Sampling 2.5.5- Add New Entry and Renumber Sample IDs

The latest update to FieldX Sampling for your iPad and iPhone is now available. You can get the latest version from the App Store. Before upgrading, we recommend that you upload any unsynced data to the server.

Add New Sampling Journal Entry:

To add a new sampling entry, click ‘Add New Sampling Entry’ above your list of Growers, Farms, or Fields. After you have selected the Grower, Farm, and Field, a new blank sampling journal entry will be created.

Add New Entry Sampling App

Renumber Sample ID’s

A new tool for renumbering all of the sample ID’s in an entry is now available. Just click the ‘Tools’ icon when you have opened a Sampling journal entry, and select ‘Renumber Samples’.  Then you’ll be able to enter a new starting sample ID. Each sample will be automatically be re-numbered in the order they are listed.

Renumber Sample IDs