FieldX News
Office v.1.5.21 – Release Notes
Release Notes
Key Updates:
- Added support GPS baud rates of 56,000, 115,200, 12,800, and 256,000.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug that caused borders to be displayed for inactive fields.
- Fixed issue where XDE files created duplicate journal entries.
- Show the name of the tracking flag colors in the export/print journal view rather than a column number.
- For user role, removed the ‘add to list’ button on the ‘Who Performed Activity’ popup window.
- Fixed bug that caused all contacts to be uploaded when a contact was changed in the ‘add to’ list button in the ‘Who Performed Activity’.
- Fixed issue where a user role can add/edit contacts from the email report window. No longer displays the list of contacts, and now contacts cannot be created by a user if they add a contact to an email.
Miscellaneous Updates:
- Updated ‘Send FieldX Data to Tech Support’ tool to include report logos, and optionally include sketches.