Journal v1.9.4 Release Notes- View Field Details and Crop in Journal App

The latest update to FieldX Journal for your iPad is now available. This version includes an updated interface to enable displaying Grower, Farm, and Field data, including the crop planted in the field.


You can get the latest version from the App Store on your iPad. Before upgrading, we recommend that you upload any unsynced data to the server.



After upgrading, you will need to do a full sync on your iPad to view the crop data. This may take longer than normal to complete while the app loads your crop data.

Viewing Crop Information:

There are three ways to view the Field details and Crop information in Journal.
  1. Tap on the ‘Details’ tab. Note that you can tap ‘Show More’ to view additional attributes for the Grower, Farm, or Field.
  2. Tap on the ‘Details’ icon on bar across the top of a journal entry form.
  3. The crop will automatically be added to your Scout/Recommendation report.

If you notice that previous year’s crops are being displayed, please make sure that this year’s Begin Crop Season journal entry was created for all of your fields.


Additional Updates:

  • The carrier GPA is now included on the Scout/Recommendation reports.
  • Various bugs were fixed and crashes were resolved.