FieldX Sampling 2.5.0- ‘Complete and Advance’ Tool

The latest update to FieldX Sampling for your iPad and iPhone is now available. You can get the latest version from the App Store. Before upgrading, we recommend that you upload any unsynced data to the server.


‘Complete and Advance’ Tool:

A new icon has been added to the toolbar that will mark the selected point as completed, then automatically select the next point in the list.

This means that in one-tap, the user can mark a point as completed and set their focus on the next sample point in their list of sample locations.


New In-Field Navigation Options:

In-field navigation modes have been added to give the user new more control over how they navigate to individual sample points. The main addition is to automatically place the navigation flag on a selected point. This, combined with the ‘Complete and Advance’ tool, helps the user to more easily navigate to the next point in the list.

The in-field navigation mode can be toggled by tapping on the ‘flag’ icon in the toolbar. The following four options are available:

  • Turn Flag Off:
    • This will remove the navigation flag from the map.
  • Manual Placement of Flag:
    • The user can long tap on the navigation flag and move the flag to a sample location, or another location on the map.
  • Autoplace on Selected Point:
    • The navigation flag is automatically placed on the selected point.
  • Autoplace on Approaching Point:
    • The app will consider the user’s location and direction of travel to automatically place the navigation flag.


Additional Updates:

  • Sampling entries for inactive fields are not displayed.