FieldX Journal 1.10.9

FieldX® Journal™ version 1.10.9 is now available. This version includes a new option to include multiple Recommendations for a field on a Recommendation report.


You can get the latest version from the App Store on your iPad. Before upgrading, we recommend that you upload any unsynced data to the server.



New Option: Include All Recs in Report Time Period on Recommendation Report

When a Recommendation report is selected while creating a PDF output report in FieldX Journal, two new options are now displayed for the user to determine the Recommendation journal entries that will be included on the Recommendation report.
  1. The most recent in report time period: This option will include only the most recent Recommendation entry created for each field.
  2. All within the report time period: When this option is selected, all of the recommendations created for a field within the specified report time period will be included.

This selection will only update the Recommendation report; the Scout/Recommendation report will continue to display only the most recent Scout and the most recent Recommendation entry for each field.

Screenshot of update of report setup page